Rabu, 18 November 2015


1.      Find a scientific article maximum 4 pages or around 2000 words. Or compilation of paragraphs.
a.       Group 1: descriptive
b.      Group 2: discussion
c.       Group 3: report
d.      Group 4: recount
e.       Group 5: exposition
f.       Group 6: procedure
2.      Provides it with relevant pictures at least 3 pictures. Must be colorful and clear.
3.      Find at least 10 unfamiliar words
4.      Analyze those words into 5 colom analysis. Make sure you will find context clues (punctuation, certain words in the sentence, the other words in the sentence, refference: pronoun, ellipsis, determiner, etc).
5.      Find 5 types of phrases which consists of at least 2 per each types.
6.      Find 4 types of sentence at least 2 examples per each in your article.
7.      Find 5 positive statements of verbal sentence ad 5 positive statements of nominal sentence in that article and then change them into:
a.       Negative statement
b.      Interogative yes/no questions
c.       Information question
d.      Question tag
8.      Make 5 yes/no questions from the articles and directly provides the answer based on your article.
9.      Make 5 information questions in form of objective questions along with the answer based on your article.
10.  Find the topic, main idea, supporting details and conclusion of each paragraph. Put it into a table that consist of 6 coloms. Do it in landscape form.
11.  Each students must work in certain theme (diffrent from others) based on the title of the article and put it into a chapter. (Each student one chapter)
12.  Combine your final project with all the class members, have a professional layout in microoffice word, make a good cover, write some eknowledgements, put some of your B.Inggris 1 photos memory.
13.  Print it and bind it collorfully and excellently.
14.  Write the name of author in each of the chapter
15.  Come to sign the attendance list at the final exam schedule that is used for final project submission.
16.  Use A4 paper with margin 4, 3, 3,3 times new roman font 12 with 1.5 space.

2 komentar:

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